
Oct. 31

I said I would have something to show for this weekend and by golly I do. No, it isn't a finished garment, but it is a little group of adorable tapir pincushions! And I really made them a couple weeks ago, but I just now took pictures of them and put them on Etsy. That counts in my book! Two are happy and one is terribly sad. Poor fella.

And of course, I've been collecting more recipes! I fully intend to make my own french toast bagels with this recipe (though I'm putting some cinnamon chips in mine) once my package is all eaten which is a whole new ballgame for me. I also have a recipe for honey wheat sandwich bread that I'm going to try out once I finish my loaf. I'll definitely document the bagels, we'll see about the other.

1 comment:

  1. he is sad because someone is making a pincushion out of him...
