
July 8th

So in under a month my tomatoes have gone from this...

to this!

None of them have flowered yet, so no fruit and I still don't know variety the first three are, but the last one is Cherokee Purple.

I did end up putting beans in the whiskey barrel, so hopefully those will get bushy and start flowering soon.

I harvested my garlic, and they're all pretty small. This fall I guess I'll just have to feed them more and hope that does something. I think I'm going to plant more this year.

I've been getting some more perennials since they are all on clearance at the little temporary greenhouses. So far I've gotten a couple more columbines, quite a few heucheras, a chinese primrose, and a foam flower. I might have to get a couple more heucheras actually.... they are so great!

The primrose
The foam flower, two heucheras, and my coleus.
In the background of the last picture, you can see a lily that has failed to bloom or produce any buds. I'm wondering if it's too shady, so it's possible that I will attempt to move it this fall to the little bed I made by the shed that is currently housing mostly purple and white flowers.

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