
Sept. 12

This might be one of the last garden updates for a while unless I have luck with a fall garden.

I still have only had luck with my cherry tomatoes.... currently there are a few flowers on the Cherokee Purple but I fear it's too late in the season for whatever is growing to mature. My Patio tomato has fruit on it but it has fallen over... not died, just fallen over. I have no idea if it will continue to grow. We've had the best luck with an orange Sundrop cherry (Patrick says these are his fave). The other cherry could either be Super Snow Drop (white) or Mirabelle (yellow). The tomatoes seem too pale to be yellow, but they could be.

Our Basil is still going strong too, I have only been harvesting the Genovese for pesto and letting the other varieties flower. I don't know exactly which variety this one is (probably Siam Queen, but not sure) but the flowers are gorgeous! I'm so glad I got it. 

My mums from last year have started blooming again too! I know a lot of people dislike mums but I think they are wonderful. The colors are so great and there's something about plants that flower when everything else is getting tuckered out.