
Dec. 31


So I suppose it's the time of year where one reflects on the last 365.25 days and tries to figure out what the next will be like. It has definitely been an ever-changing year for me, and I'm satisfied with it. That said, I hope next year offers a bit more stability.

I'm not going to make any resolutions because I kind of feel that they are silly, but I definitely have a lot to work on this year so hopefully I can motivate myself.

A friend of mine gave me some turkey thighs and a leg he didn't end up cooking, so I made it up the other day and this morning I made some noodles. I'm really excited about turkey noodle soup folks. It seems pretty cold out there so I don't know if it's worth it to go out and get some carrots.... I may improvise with some other veggies I have around.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to take my sewing machine in yet again to see what is wrong with it. I called a local place and he suggested that since I just got the belt replaced it might be too tight? I have been borrowing my mom's for the last couple weeks and it has been working fantastically... I was on it almost all day yesterday without any problems. I start it up today however, and it starts running really weirdly too! I really don't know what is going on with me and sewing machines. I seriously can't try to use them as my livelihood if they insist on not working constantly.

Since it's the holiday and all, here is my favorite version of Auld Lang Syne. I think I might curl up and watch An Affair To Remember tonight, as it's the only movie I have that has a NYE scene. A little champagne might be in order as well.


Dec. 22

Photo by Illahie

It is getting so close to Christmas! My family doesn't make a big deal of the holiday gift-wise, but I always like it. I'm in the process of making a few gifts and helping my sister with some of hers. Hopefully I'll have everything I need to finish done in time.

I was turned on to a new Christmas mix by one of my favorite comic artists by independent Canadian musicians! It is almost all non-traditional and great. It is called Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada Deux and I would recommend downloading it (for free!).

Here is a song that I've been enjoying this week... a Wham! cover by one of my favorites, Erlend Oye, best known for his involvement in the band Kings of Convenience. Enjoy!



Dec. 17

Painting By Carl Larsson

My finals are finally over and I have a whole month before I need to worry about studying or homework! I'm incredibly excited to expand my collection of little embroidered felties. I have been going through my science and zoology textbooks looking for biology-geeky inspiration goodness.

My plans for the next month are a bit intense... I am making almost all of my Christmas gifts and I really haven't started yet... oops! I also have an idea for an entree in the Mad Scientists of Etsy December challenge (topic: a tiny new species of beaked toad!)that I need to get started and finished before the end of the month.

There is some serious housework to be done as well... I've kind of let everything fly around wherever it wants to the last week or two.


So anyways, the real topic of this post was to say that I have made a little Facebook page for myself, and I've also added a button underneath each post so you can 'like' it if you want! Become a fan and I'll update with things shop related, or are just really too awesome to not tell my friends and readers...

... I'll also update if you don't become a fan, but then you won't be able to experience the joy along with all the cool kids.

P.S.I've also updated a couple links on the side to represent the Etsy teams I'm on! I've already talked about Mad Scientists of Etsy, but I'm also a member of the Kansas City Etsy team. Gooooo team!


Dec. 11

This week has been a little crazy, but it seems to have slowed down for the weekend which is much appreciated. I had my last day of school on Thursday, so now I just have a few finals and I'm done for a month. I enrolled for ceramics classes at the Lawrence Arts Center and I'm super excited. It starts on Jan. 10th, so I'll have over a week of free time there before school starts back up again. 

I've also started using a new shampoo that I feel the need to mention. It's from this site and is all natural and in a bar! I've thought about going on a no-poo routine but have been hesitant, this seems like a good substitution. I have only been using it for a couple days, so I guess I can't really give a review of what it does to my hair, but so far it seems great. Right after washing I really feel like I need leave in conditioner (I've decided not to use conditioners while I try this out so my hair can get it's natural oil flow going) but after my hair dries it's really soft!

In shop news, I've updated again with some Dala Roosters! My grandma has a wooden dala rooster that I used to play with when I was a kid so it seemed like a natural progression to include one in my shop.

As a special bonus, until Christmas I'm offering free standard shipping on my ornaments! Check them out at Two Hungry Blackbirds!

Dec. 4

Gee wiz, so it's already December folks! I've been a busy little girl this week... I had a big test on Thursday and I have a big Microbiology project due and a final on Monday, not to mention a couple other papers and stuff for Etsy. Whew! I've started to realize that I should have made more red dala horses and less in the other colors... I haven't sold any white ones yet at all! I think those ones are pretty.

I've also added a few new things to the shop, a favorite being Star Trek communication badges!

It feels good to have geeky things in the shop.
I'm going to work on some new ideas for the shop when I'm not doing schoolwork, so be sure to check it out!