
Oct. 24

The Screenland Armour location when it was brand new.
There are these wonderful places in Kansas City called Screenland Theaters. I can't find any kind of summary of who owns the business or why it was started, but leave it to say that someone has renovated old theaters around KC and it's a very good thing. Before this week I had only been to one location downtown that plays almost entirely films that aren't playing anywhere else in the city (it is where I saw Best Worst Movie and The Animation Show). Horror Remix this month though, was at the Armour location in North KC, then yesterday my roommate and I saw another show there which is the main reason why I'm writing about this at all.

Three years ago I missed a showing of a Sound of Music sing-a-long and since then I have wished they would have another one, and sure enough, this weekend they did. I was so happy to see it on the big screen! Whenever there was singing lyrics would show up on the screen and everyone (mostly adults mind you) would sing along without abandon... "The Lonely Goatherd" was especially entertaining! It was a very relaxed show and there was almost constant interaction from the crowd... hissing whenever the baroness would come on screen and waving flashlights around during the Nazi scenes at the abbey.

Good times.

In non-film news, my mom, grandma, and I went to a little town in central Kansas today called Lindsborg which has capitalized itself a bit on being a "little Sweden" kind of place. I made adorable little gift tags and a couple phone calls beforehand and set up a consignment deal with a shop called Anderson Butik with some of my dala horse ornaments. This is the first time I've done anything like that and I'm really excited and I hope they sell. I'm going to try and get some in a bed and breakfast down there as well.

I haven't made any progress on the skirt other than trying a few different ways to sew in elastic (how is this possible people? I'm having a mess of a time with it) and ripping out tons of zig zags. I may have to cut out a new liner and start anew, possibly with just a straight up gather and a zipper -- sans elastic.

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